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A neuro diverse/divergent therapist Supporting children, adolescents, family, kinship and community to build strong foundations in relationships, identity and a congruent sense of self. Connect to the self self through the wisdom of the body 🌸

Connect to the self - connect to all else 🌼

Dance Therapy is a gentle, playful, creative, open-minded, non judgemental, curious and at times non verbal therefore non invasive form of therapy derived from the facts that memory, sensations and emotions are stored more within the body than just the mind. We work on cellular level to re wire neuro pathways in the nervous system - healing Tran and inter generational trauma, as well as integrating self determination within the “discoveries” made in this journey. We work with the parasympathetic nervous system, I focus strongly on secure attachment and utilise the healing and sensory attributes of nature to support this. Lots of artistic, sensory, tactile interventions to assist participants to create a pathway towards congruency within their individual identity and sense of self with unconditional positive regard and unconditional love.

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“Dance movement therapy is the relational and therapeutic use of dance and movement to further the physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and cultural* functioning of a person.Dance movement therapy is based on the empirically-supported unity of body and mind.  It recognizes that change and growth in one supports change and growth in the other.Dance movement therapists combine the elements of dance, movement systems, creative processes, and psychological and scientific theories, to address the specific needs of groups and individuals.”

What is Dance Therapy? 

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What To Expect At Your Visit

Learn About My Methods

Dance Therapy is metaphorical for “relationships” - mostly the relationship with the self which decides relationships with all else…. Therefore I utilise a lot of fun, child-centred, playful, creative, artistic, sensory and tactile props and movement interventions that are all metaphorical for just that - secure attachment and a healthy relationship with the self. Having said that, these props also set the environment for a person, family or group to safely explore their inner material and integrate it, then able to rebuild their belief systems and ingrain this positive neuro patterns in the nervous system therefore psychological. I work strongly to support that all areas of the participants life and environments support the pathways they are building for themselves as we need repetition and consistency. I use movement patterns sequences that focus upon developmental stages and assists us psychologically, emotionally, cognitively and academically. Building a safe, trusting and empathetic relationship is tantamount as I require attunement, empathetic resonance and transference to understand the participants wants and needs in their journey in order to guide interventions and mostly importantly trust and validate their experiences and journey. 

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My Services

All of my therapeutic services have the underlying paradigm of building a stronger connection to the natural environment and caring for nature as I utilise metaphors, props, games and themes to support this relationship as it’s imperative to the holistic relationship to the self.

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Group Therapy/incursions

Specialising in:🍃neuro diversity🍃alternate abilities🍃family violence🍃trauma🍃
Group Dance Therapy is perfect for those who are learning about building healthy relationships as well as exploring their current material; expressing and giving form to their unique experiences in a safe and supported way.
Group therapy builds upon being seen, heard and valued (secure attachment) and aids positive sense of self and identity.
With lots of games, movement repertoires and dance explorations to playfully connects, expand movement, build healthy and necessary Nuero pathways and ingrain the parasympathetic nervous system.


Individual Therapy

Specialising in:🍃neuro diversity🍃neuro divergence🍃alternate abilities 🍃trauma - physical, psychological, emotional, cognitive, social 🍃Tran generational trauma - inherited biologically🍃grief and loss🍃out-of-home care🍃secure attachment🍃holistic health
 Individual therapy enables me to build safe and trusting relationship with the other and family in order to establish a personalised therapeutic goal/goals.
Attachment-based therapy works effectively with individual therapy and creates a space for individuals to unpack and integrate their unconscious material, assisting embodiment, self awareness at their individual pace through their individual means.
I aim for participants to discover their own “healing vortex” which are the tools they’ll utilise to self regulate, support their healthy sense of self, have sovereignty over themselves, self advocate and become self sufficient. 


Family Therapy

Whether it’s siblings groups, primary care-givers or kinship; family therapy offers a platform to attune to each other’s world, create empathetic resonance and build a congruent foundation for their relationship.
Through the use of mirroring, sensory interventions, movement explorations and games we playfully explore each other’s world and ways to connect; developing an understanding for each other’s needs, wants and ways of communicating.


Therapeutic Dance Incursions/Classes

I offer incursions and group sessions to schools, centres, programs, facilities, child care, kindergarten and any support services; that have a therapeutic aim and paradigm.
I teach Creative Dance and Movement which is perfect for children as well as any special needs population as it’s very playful, interactive, fun, non invasive and all sections are aimed at emotional regulation, attachment and building self confidence as participants have an opportunity to share their individual expression to the concept provided. Lots of sensory props and artistic interventions!
I also teach dance styles such as Afro Dance and Belly Dance which are therapeutically informed.  


Consultations, Professional Development training  

For:🍃families 🍃services (where agencies are involved - case workers etc)🍃educational support (school, kindergartens)🍃child care centres🍃kinship🍃councils🍃professional develop 
These consultations assist how to implement creative and playful interventions into other existing paradigms to gently support developmental needs, secure attachment, attunement, empathetic resonance and further support relationship building as well as the importance of nature play.
These consultations support those who are supporting the child, adolescent or adult, as well as the wellbeing of those caring for the children.


Wayapa Wuurrk Workshops 

I am licensed Wayapa Wuurrk Practitioner, able to deliver programs to early years as well as schools, centres 

“Wayapa® is an earth connection practice that is based on ancient Indigenous wisdom that focuses on taking care of the Earth as the starting point for creating Earth Mind Body Spirit well-being.

Living in harmony with their environment is what sustained Australian Aboriginal people to be one of the world’s oldest, continuous living culture – for over 100,000 years!

Today, for most of us, we have become disconnected from our environment, from our tribe, from our food and from our Spirit. Through a combination of Earth mindfulness, narrative meditation, a series of physical movements and taking action to look after the planet, Wayapa® provides a sense of belonging to the Earth while creating holistic wellbeing…”

Founded and co created by First Nations to Gunai Kurnai, Jamie Thomas and his wife Sara Jones. Find more info about this at

This program is funded by the Department of Education the School Readiness Funds. If you’d like to learn or make a booking please contact me.

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Attentive Therapist

Family Therapy

In my therapy sessions, we’ll work to solve current problems and improve positive thinking and behavior. I will help you “re-frame” your reactions and provide you with valuable tools to cope with life’s obstacles. I’m confident you’ll find my personalized Family Therapy beneficial and inspirational. Get in touch to book an appointment.

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About Me

I am a qualified Dance Movement Therapist and Transpersonal Counsellor.I have worked in the field of social services and counselling for almost 20 years within homelessness, substance abuse, mental health, youth, out-of-home care, womens support and more.I have worked in the field of Dance Therapy for approximately 8 years, within drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres, mental/emotional health services, trauma, family violence, disability, neuro diversity, alternate abilities and early years intervention.I specialised in children and families healing from the impact of family violence trauma for many years, and now also focus upon neuro diversity and alternate abilities.I specialise in Tran and Inter Generational Trauma/neglect/insecure attachment and how this impacts on children today through their biological genes and cellular memory, but also and most importantly, the gifts, wisdom and knowledge available in their Tran generational material and their cellular memory. Dance Movement Therapy works at this level. My paradigm also works on the cellular memory of self care, wisdom and knowledge  and the connection and integration of this.I combine my love of nature and Wayapa training as another means of positively building a relationship with the self through connecting with nature and it’s elements as these also work with the parasympathetic nervous system.I am contracted in through a number of agencies and also privately.

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My Credentials

🍃Launch Housing🍃The Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency🍃Raymond Hadar Clinic🍃Ngwala Willumbong🍃DHHS🍃Uniting Care 🍃Elite Services 🍃various child care centres, kindergartens and schools🍃City of Whittlesea council🍃Maya Healing Centre

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I would like to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which I stand - the Wurundjeri people - and pay my respect to Elders past present and emerging. 

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Experience Change with Rachel Findeis - Dance Movement Therapist

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"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind"

William James

Therapist and Patient
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What To Expect At Your Visit

Learn About My Methods

I implement effective psychotherapy methods to instill self-understanding among patients and encourage them to adopt new attitudes and feelings towards life situations. It is essential to keep in mind that therapy is not a magic pill or a quick fix: therapy is a healing process that necessitates participation and investment from the patient and caretaker alike. But in the end, making small changes to self-defeating behavior and coping with feelings of sadness, fear, and pain can bring life-altering results.

Psychology Session
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My Services

With You Every Step of the Way

Child Psycholgist

Couples Therapy

Feeling a bit down lately and nothing seems to lift your spirits? It might be time to seek help from a licensed professional. My Couples Therapy sessions help patients develop positive attitudes towards life’s most complex and challenging circumstances. Contact me today and let me help you find the best in yourself.

Therapy Session

Individual Therapy

If you’re looking for quality Individual Therapy sessions with a certified Therapist that cares, then you’ve come to the right place. I guide my patients every step of the way and implement various methods to help them develop new attitudes towards all of life’s most complex matters. Schedule an appointment today and see what I can do for you.


Family Therapy

In my therapy sessions, we’ll work to solve current problems and improve positive thinking and behavior. I will help you “re-frame” your reactions and provide you with valuable tools to cope with life’s obstacles. I’m confident you’ll find my personalized Family Therapy beneficial and inspirational. Get in touch to book an appointment.

Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy

Feeling a bit down lately and nothing seems to lift your spirits? It might be time to seek help from a licensed professional. My Couples Therapy sessions help patients develop positive attitudes towards life’s most complex and challenging circumstances. Contact me today and let me help you find the best in yourself.

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